Monday, September 19

| he's back, and so is my endless day-dreaming..

The man who brought me joy and tears, the man who let me feel how to be cared the most and the man who I’ve been dying to see for the past 17 days is finally back.. what a great feeling indeed, waking up, opening my kinky eyes from like a thousand years of sleep and looking at my fone’s inbox his message telling me that he’s back.. though he was here last Saturday pa, still the thought that he texted me to announce me his return is something I’m truly happy for.. waahh.. I miss him so much.. hastily, the memories of how we met and the times we’ve been together flash back for the nth time..

He was just one of my online friends before.. (thanks to
downelink for letting me meet him) I remembered that he sent me a message first.. he was in the states at that time.. we agreed to meet each other once he gets back in the Philippines.. but it seemed that he’s forgotten all about our sort-of “agreement” when he landed the country.. but it was okay, of course.. and then one time, he sent me a message again in another site (thanks to g4m for being a great host haha!).. from then on, we constantly texted each other.. woah!!

I was with my friend’s house one time because we had a sleepover (literally!! We just sleep) for our thesis.. I don’t know why and I don’t know how I woke up at 3 in the morning.. I looked at my fone’s screen and bam! I have a message.. it was from him telling me where I was at that moment.. I immediately replied and told him that I was in maceda, part of dapitan in españa, manila.. he told me that he will come over and meet me in front of my friend’s house (it was a condo nga pala!).. after learning that, I brushed my teeth right away and fix my clothes.. OMG! I forgot to fix my hair hehe.. I looked like a high schooler wearing my pambahay only with matching flip flops slipped into my feet.. and then we met, though not in the exact location we agreed on but we finally met each other.. he was one hell of a guy.. he stunningly looked awesome and I felt so shy.. I couldn’t even look at him in the eye worrying that I might look obvious (but hey, why do I care anyway??) he’s simply irresistible.. (now, that I couldn’t agree more!)

He held my hand so tight that I took it away from him, not because I don’t want to feel his hand next to mine but because I am afraid I might not let go of his hand (corny as it may sound but it happened!) and then he introduced me to his bestfwend – dada!! She’s lovely and so kind.. she drove us around and later did I realize that they will take me to his house..
It may sound untruthful but I never felt fear nor danger from the moment I saw him.. it feels like everything was almost perfect every second that I was with him.. I just learned that he lives in recto, which is near in maceda, from that point.. we talked for hours there, trying to catch each other’s feelings.. Trying to know each other well.. it was our first time to talk personally but again, it may sound corny.. but I feel like I’ve known him even before we met, even before we get the chance to know each other.. (maybe because I dreamed of him from the time he sent me his first message in downe) – tell me how could I forget a face like that, huh?

Then after more than 3 hours of non-stop talking as well as feeling each other (haha!), I went home.. he even gave me money to pay my cab driver.. that was so nakakahiya talaga!! but of course, I thanked him for that..

Then the next day, we had a sleepover again at my other friend’s house in cubao.. it was for our project naman in broadcasting.. I always smile whenever I think about the time he surprised me at around 3 in the morning.. I was sleeping back then in the couch when my friend woke me up and told me that he’s calling (they know about him kase).. I answered the fone and then he told me that he was near our place na.. I was shocked because prior to that, we agreed that he will not see me until morning so I was expecting that he will come over the next day pa but then he rushed into our place not even minding the danger ahead of him, especially in cubao, during that moment.. woah!! It made my heart so big talaga!! I couldn’t thank him enough for showing me endless care and love (nah!! I guess not..) and then he went home at 5:30 in the morning I guess..

The following day after our sleepover, I went to his house at around 3 in the morning.. just cant help myself not to see him before the final defense of our project in broadcasting (you know, for good luck hehe!).. he entertained me so well and we slept for like two hours to gain more strength.. I could not wish more than to wake up beside the one I loved the most.. (yeah, I must admit that I even loved him during our first meeting..) ever heard of love at first sight? I guess I just have one.. honestly, it was one of the best days of my life..

After our final defense that day, he fetched me.. I am so touched.. what can I say?? And then from that day, he fetched me after classes until he left for palawan.. and now he’s back.. gosh!! What shall I do?? I wanna go to their house and welcome him with my biggest hug, but I cant.. I have learned from him (while he was in palawan) that he already gave his heart to someone else in the past.. it split my heart apart - methaporically.. I even told him that he can have mine.. but he refused to, it’s so selfish daw!! He doesn’t know that what’s the point of having this heart of mine if I will offer this to other person.. as much as I want him to own my heart, he could not.. he simply could not.. but even that’s the scenario, I will never leave him just as the line from a song goes..

“I will never leave you, hold on tight
Promise to stay forever by your side
And I will never leave you
Promise I’ll stay forever
I will never leave you behind..”

Words aren’t enough to tell you how I feel, even actions cant express exactly the way I feel, but if you will just listen to my heart and own it like yours, you will learn that I can love you even forevermore…