Saturday, September 10


>> woke up @ 11:00 am and had a movie marathon.. oh I miss watching movies here in my room.. (just try to imagine being out of home for like a week or more, huh!!) first up, “a shark’s tale”.. i must say I enjoyed the film so much that I laughed my heart out.. still thinking about will’s punch lines.. who wouldn’t have gone crazy when you hear smith cranking jokes?? Oh well, I was so touched with the moral of the story.. that you shouldn’t be somebody just to satisfy your needs or pursue your dreams or get people’s attention or find your true love.. cause even if you’re a nobody, you can still have 'em all.. being a nobody is not an impediment for you to realize how life is worth living and how it is wonderful blessed with the things that you have... though there may be times that people always feel insatiable, still, we just have to be thankful of what we have right now.. im sure they are worth having than what we desire..

second up is “D Incredibles”… oh I love the effects and the sounds and the humor of this movie.. it’s great to see a family fighting together though.. makes me sad because I don’t have a dad!! Well, what difference does it make, anyway?? I still have my mom who acts as my dad as well and who fights with me through the battles of our lives… yeah, being a broken family doesn’t make us less loving and less caring for each other.. in fact, we have so much love for our family.. oh, I love my mom so much.. she means everything to me.. and to my dad.. ahh!! Get lost!! Don’t you ever come back, you freak!! Just kidding..

the last movie that I watched for this day is “Troy”.. though I already watched it in theaters with someone urrghh!! Oh.. just don’t wanna remember that day when someone – someone rejected me… the nerve!!! He was so conceited, obnoxious and a chauvinist pig!! Du-uh!! Well anyway, he’s not worth talking about so I choose not to elaborate details about him.. what I liked about the movie is when Brad stated the lines that go somewhat like these, “you cannot be lovelier than today”, “we cannot be here again”… it just sounded so truthful that made me realize that we cannot bring back the past nor the time we have already spent.. that we should make the most out of every single second we live.. and in relation with love (again!), we should take the chance of loving someone today for it could be our last chance.. that waiting for someone based on our standards is not option.. that whoever comes near close to our heart should be given at least that chance to love us and be loved by us.. oh well! It’s pretty much easy to say but when you do so, it gets complicated… just a tiny thought from my wicked mind!

- just to add up, i remembered why Achilles (Pitt) fought for the people of Troy.. it is because he wants the world to remember his name... hmm.. i wonder what am i gonna do to be remembered and how would i wanna be remembered??? well, im saving that for next post..

peayycce OUT!