| good news and bad news..
my schedule swap was already approved by workforce and starting on monday, ill be starting my shift from 12am to 9am.. and since there will still be overtime, more probably, ill be staying till xm radio closes which is at 2pm.. ill be missing my team, my friends and a whole lot more!!! and will try to fit in to my new team.. hope they'll like me (well, everbody likes me... i am so likeable... naahhh!!!) also, have learned that i topped the QA stack ranking.. cant belive that.. all eyes were on me because i fill that number 1 position.. it's the first time that really happens after the most number of overtime hours was posted.. but anyways, with that title, it comes with responsibility - the duty to make quality calls and to maintain it as much as possible.. aside from that, we were already informed about the incentives that we'll be getting this coming 28th.. for all the radios that i was able to upsell, i will be getting $375 for those, aside from the incentives for the quality scores, absenteesm, and after call work.. woah!! cant wait for that day.. but with great prices come with great drawbacks - talking about the taxes!!! fu** sh**