| love quotes..
from kaye,
sometimes we think that feeling something is enough, but we don’t realize that when we don’t take the risks and do something about what we feel, the feeling just goes away and we miss out on what could have been beautiful..
from ninay,
love changes you.. the way you think, the way you act, the way you decide.. sometimes you even go against your principles and beliefs in life.. loving doesn’t always mean you’ll be happy.. sometimes, all it provides you is pain and misery.. yet you are blinded by strong emotions that you fail to see reality.. sometimes, letting go is the only answer and it hurts like hell.. but you will soon realize that it is better if the person you love would be happy to someone else – than lonely with you.. and that’s what you call sacrifice..
from marlene,
people fall in love not knowing why nor how.. it’s a special feeling that doesn’t require much answers.. you just love no matter how stupid you become..
from grays,
don’t let false love fool you, but don’t let real love pass you by.. cause the easy part of life is finding someone to love, and the hard part is finding someone to love you back..
from mommy Joanne,
sometimes you just have to forget the rules, follow your heart and see where it takes you.. never apologize for saying what you feel because it’s like saying sorry for being real.. never regret anything you said or did because at some point, it was what you wanted.. true strength is being able to hold it all together when everyone else is expecting you to fall apart..
from ninay,
it is an enigma when you fall in love and accept that some good things never last and suddenly, you’ll see yourself as nothing, nothing but a loser.. it’s an agony to accept that despite the feelings you have, it is all not enough.. but when you love someone, you’d do the hardest thing.. yes, it’s not going to be easy but at least you know that what you felt is real.. in the end, you’ll ask yourself, “does it hurt?”.. then you’ll close your eyes and whisper, “yes.. but it’s all worthwhile..”
from mj,
Cinderella walked on broken glass.. sleeping beauty let a whole lifetime pass. Belle fell in love with a hideous beast.. Pocahontas risked her life for a feast.. jasmine could have had anyone but instead he chose a poor man.. and ariel walked for the first time on land.. all for love and all for life.. it was all about blood, sweat and tears.. love is all about facing your biggest fears and not letting the moment pass you by..