Tuesday, September 6


I am a typical, normal kid who had been raised in a typical, normal place by a typical, normal mother. From my childhood years, I have remembered myself as a very naughty young kid who normally caused accidents. I even remembered the time I was hit by a tricycle in our street when I was five years old. My mother was out of the country for work. We hardly see each other that time for she has to work in other country to support my needs. My childhood years had not been much that fun for I have no parents to play with, to talk with and to be with. I was a product of a broken family.

My father left us when I was still in my mother’s womb. I never had a chance to meet him for he never even spent the time to search and even give an ounce of concern for his son. At first, I thought he was dead but it was only in my 6th Grade did I learn that he was still alive and yet he had not even come to think of me, he didn’t bother to discover if I am alive or not, as if I didn’t exist in this fucking world. I can’t demand things like that for that time. I was only a child. Who would listen to a 12-year old kid speaking things like that by the way? I have two half-siblings, a bother and a sister. They were just like ten years older than me. They are the children of my mother’s first
husband but his husband left them likewise. I feel like it’s a curse of the family for we haven’t seen any successful relationship among us. Four years ago, my brother was supposed to be married with a girl we treated as our own family, but the girl backed out for reasons that we still don’t know. My sister had been in love with a guy whose job is a seaman, but she was devastated when she found out that the man of her dreams was married to a woman living in Negros Occidental. I don’t think that what is happening to our family is just a mere coincidence for it was really unbelievable. It is really depressing to think that my family went through to those stages in life, which I think the darkest ones.

My mother continued supporting my financial needs until my secondary school. She had a vacation here once a year. For me, that wasn’t enough to fill up the lost times we should have been together, but if she hasn’t worked that hard, I don’t think I would be able to go to college. My high school life was the best stage of my life as I can say it is the worst as well. In high school, I have met people who I consider as my best friends. I also developed my self-confidence by joining theatrical organizations that enhance my well-being and helped me developed the talents I have inside. On the contrary, I have learned bad things a typical teenager does in high school. I have learned to puff cigarettes when I was a freshman, to drink liquors when I was a sophomore, to take drugs when I was a junior and the worst, to have sex when I was a senior. Isn’t it amazing? I have been kicked out also from school when I was a junior. I brought so much humiliation to my family just to have a little bit of their attention well in fact, their attentions were all in mine. I was so stupid to disappoint them with their expectations of me, to disrespect the values they have taught me and to hurt the ones who love me more than anybody else. I was the biggest fool at that time for I don’t think before I do some things, which would cause harm to all of us.

Luckily, my family gave me the chance to prove to them that I am not what other people think of me. I was so happy because I have realized that other people might turn their backs at me, mocked me, but not my family. They are the best. They are the ones who will be there for me when there is none.

I have been in loved also with a girl I respected so much. I even did things she asked in an instant of time. I would give her the world if I can and even die just because for her. She was my friend and the feelings developed as we get to know each other. Then the inevitable came, she confessed that she was in love with our friend. My world stopped as we break the relationship I’ve deep-grown to love. I can’t even face the world with a smile just because of that. I don’t know why. Maybe I was too in loved with her. That was the worst thing ever happened to me. To be cheated by a girl. Then, I finally made up my mind never get too involved with a girl until I finish my studies.!

My life had been very much colorful, full of ups and downs. But now, this is a chance I have to prove to myself that I can do things more than I can even imagine. I have lots of opportunities ahead of me. Just like all of us, we are all exposed here on earth with lots of opportunities waiting. All we have to do is to grab those and do the best thing we can do to work it out. My life may not be the ideal life anyone would ever want, but at least I am living it to the fullest!

Welcome to my life peeps.. i assure you that everything that you will learn from here is nothing but the truth..