Thursday, October 13

| thank you for calling SITEL!! this is jay, how may I help you??

view or just click STRIPPED! on my other blogs for more pictures!

We just finished our foundation training in SITEL and I had a blast!! That was I think the best training experience I’ve had.. not to mention the best (handsomest and sexiest) instructor I’ve ever met.. and the good thing about that was we have the same name.. oh well..

To start with.. we started our training at the first day of last week.. we had our training in ortigas which is near to my place so just an FX ride will do.. the building is located in emerald avenue (currently F. Ortigas Rd) in front of Raffles Building.. our building is like the oldest building in the entire avenue.. bwahaha!!
During our first day, but of course I was too shy to befriend most of them.. the people I bonded with during the orientation were assigned to different training venue that’s why I got scared knowing them.. but I did manage to survive.. of course, with my natural charm (naks!) and with my smile, I was able to gain their trust and befriend them all.. I mean I made it a point to know all of them.. have a chitchat with them often and showed who I really am.. I don’t want them to judge me nor misinterpret what I was saying or doing so I told them right away about my sexual preference.. and fortunately, most of them did not turn their backs at me.. they accepted me for who I am..

As days passed by, we got close to each other.. especially with mommy lou, gem and trunk.. we were like the fantastic four of sitel… hmm… I wonder which character would I be.. mommy lou (half-blimp who is so conscious about what she looks like in the pictures) is the bestfriend of my current chatmate/textmate who happened to be the acquaintance of gus.. what a small world, indeed!! (im sorry mom, but I don’t think I’m the type of guy your bestfriend would want to be with).. anyways, trunk is the alter ego of rico barrera of pinoy big brother.. he is like the bisexual version of rico.. he also has this superb abs and pulled-up hair.. not to mention the black glasses he has as well… and then gem is like the innocent/tame version of joyce jimenez.. indeed, every angle of her ensembles jj.. but she is the sweetest and richest gal in SITEL wahaha..

The rest of the group was super okay!! They have their own stories and own reasons why they were engaged in this kind of work.. their narratives were overwhelming because they depict the reality of life.. and somehow, I got connected to some and to the rest, I sympathized them.. I just don’t know what to say when I hear their stories.. they were heart-felt and madrama talaga!

Then yesterday was the last day of our foundation training and all of us passed… Kudos to XM Radio Pioneer Agents wehehe.. we are now heading to the next level which is the Product Specific Training.. then hopefully we all get certified.. I mean we bonded na talaga eh and I wouldn’t want to lose any of them.. they were so good to me.. last night, we went out to Oodie’s.. we had some beers there (following the pizza treat the company gave us) and some singing sessions.. whew!! my vocal chords were kinda worn out but I handled to pull it off wahaha.. thanks to my singing buddies – jarla, kaye, mischelle, trunk, ian (and her band – geko!) surely, we deserve that night after a week and a half of strenuous training.. I’m going to miss you guys.. see y’all on monday, ayt???

- so, is there anything else I can help you with?? okay, thank you for calling Sitel and have a nice day :-)