Tuesday, November 1

| a trip down to memory lane

Last last Saturday was the moment of truth, the moment we’ve all been waiting for.. at last, the long wait was over.. it was the day we finished college – it’s our Graduation Day!!! Oh well, just like one of the ordinary days I’ve been through.. the excitement – it was all spoiled out because of the long wait (literally) after our final exams.. it could’ve been more surreal if they scheduled it just a few weeks after our exams.. but they did not.. they scheduled it almost two months after our finals which was not that good and not that as exciting anymore.. nevertheless, I managed to enjoy the event in amidst of these thoughts..

We were told to dress in a corporate attire – but does it mean that if we’re not properly dressed we’ll not be able to march… nah.. of course we can wear whatever we want.. anyways, it’s our graduation.. there’s no stopping us from climbing the stage and taking in our final bow.. even the way we dressed at that time..

We arrived to the venue (guess what?? it was held at feu auditorium which is just in front of our building..) ahead of time.. and you know, the normal stuff – picture picture.. yeah!! we took a lot of pictures.. I might not be able to upload it all here.. sowee.. and then we were told to fall in line and wear our togas.. ahhhh..

And when our name was called, geez!! super sarap ng feeling.. and then we have our baccalaureate mass which I took part as the second reader.. ahihi.. and then after that is the graduation proper.. they told us that special awards will be given for outstanding students and for those who showed leadership skills… it was kinda surprise cause they didn’t announce the recipients of such awards prior to that day – and so I was called hehe to receive one of them.. and so as my fellow colleagues who showed exemplary leadership skills and service to the students.. congratulations to all of us..

And then the commencement speaker uttered his incredibly long speech.. oh boy!! It bored me to death.. as in I was literally putting my head to the back rest and yawned a LOT of times.. too bad, my fone was not with me then so we're not able to take pictures just to kill time.. but eventually, the speech ended!!

After that, we formed at the side of the stage to be called one by one to receive our diplomas… Yipee!! I was thinking then how I started myself in feu.. I was previously enrolled to the other school before getting myself in feu.. and then, I had no idea that I’ll be having a trimestral basis then and no idea that I’ll be part of the pioneer batch.. the subjects were difficult.. I hated calculus the most though I really love math.. and electronics as well.. communications subjects are my kind of subjects.. I excel there more than in elex subjs… then we had terror professors who put our lives to the test.. but then we really have nice ones who became our friends.. and the projects were annoying and the deadlines were even more annoying.. a lot of pressure to deal with.. much more when thesis came.. we had more sleepovers than ever.. more bickering and fighting.. ahh!! Those were the days ill be missing for sure when I get out of school.. in amidst of all thos thoughts running through my head, my name was called.. tears were peeping through my eyes while receiving the diploma, having my final bow with all smiles, shaking hands with my professors and kissing our very loving department head… ohh that was really a heart-felt moment..

And of course, what could be more emotionally disturbing than bidding goodbyes to your friends who have become and will always be a part of your life.. as well as thanking your parents and congratulating them for a job well done.. that for me, though seemed ordinary day, was the day I will never forget..