Thursday, March 2

| my name is julius andrew..

and here are my random rantings..

- i was named after julie andrews, the star of "the sound of music"

- i used to be picked when i was a child and the phrase goes, "jay, jay pak sinapak tulog - paggising sa umaga wala ng betlog"

- i never celebrated father's day.. there's no reason for me to..

- i'm a fan of Liwayway, a local magazine, that unleashed my sexuality and my sexual fantasies..

- i grew up playing jolens together with my cousins.. all of em are boys except me (who hid in the closet for several years)

- never really liked the taste of fresh milk unless if you pour cereals on it.. kokocrunch!

- lived in a spanish antique house for several years cause the real property of our clan was demolished by the jap..

- a nursery valedictorian, a kindergarten honor stud, multi-awarded junior sports journalist, most outstanding cadet, theater artist, cheerdancer, dean's lister, metrobank scholar, leadership awardee..

- unpredictable dumbness overshadowed my achievements..

- i dont go to church that often but i have faith..

- had four ex-girlfriends and wanting to have one again if i can..

- had lots of flings (cant help it!)

- my heart was broken several times but im still whole.. im trying to be for the person who will be willing to love me in the future..

- a coccaine - methamphetamine - grass user..

- bisexual by nature..

- "i wish i know how to quit you... i really wish i know how.."