Sunday, November 26

| im bringin sexy back :-)

went to Panay Kalipay last Tuesday and then to Giligan's Island and then to Clubbers where we parteeed till we dropped.. i had such a great night with my bestfriend - our first dance together, our first night out and our first hehe.. no eavesdroppin'.. then last Thursday, we painted the town red cause it's ann's 22nd birthday.. we ate at Dencio's and then kicked our asses in MUGEN where this URBAN NATION thingy was so damn fucking hot!!! loved the songs they played, most of them were mine.. i looooveee my friends so much!!!

i am back and here i am playin and flirtin and playin and flirtin, oh did i say playin and flirtin??? maybe im not for the serious relationship at all.. maybe i am here just to fuck up.. and maybe i am better off this way..

one thing is certain though, i am having the greatest time of my life :-)

Wednesday, November 22

| and so it ended..

stupid me :-(

| my new hair..

Monday, November 6

| my baby's blog.. so sweet.. :-)

NOTE: What you’re gonna read might shock or offend you…It will reveal things that only a select few know. But im so tired of pretending. This is me, the real me. I only ask that you understand. That you try to see that what lies beyond all of this… is nothing short of beautiful…. - marco

I was a dreamer once. I dreamt of things far away, of things reachable only by pure emotion… of things symbolic. Of things special. Once, I dreamt of love. And those dreams betrayed me… and betray me hard they did.

They came, you know, like Venus Flytraps, spellbinding, falsely supporting me with Herculean strength, blinding my eyes with promises of forever, whispered kisses that struck my heart like golden arrows… then left me with scars I barely noticed… only evident when it was already too late… like a disease, it had already eaten me up.

They spared me no pity… the horsemen... Save for a select few, they didn’t give a damn about how I felt. They only cared about whether I gave them what they wanted… too late did their motives become clear… it was when my body was badly bruised from unemotional sex, my lips chapped from kisses of lust, evocative of icy chill, and my eyes, dripping with the tears of broken vows…

I could only cry. It was the only thing I could do. And while I was weeping, the whole world went on, that subway of adulterated creation. It was medieval, surreal. I felt as if I was swimming in a pool filled with nothing but confusion, with ripples rivaling that of the ocean… and the worst thing was… I was alone. 3 years. 3 years of flings, dates – guys pretending to be something they’re not… 3 years of playing. 3 years of lies.

Then on, I became a skeptic. I was sure that it was karma – payback for all the hurt I gave to the guys who didn’t meet my standards - the price of playing with emotions. The exchange that fate deemed necessary to make me feel what I made those guys feel when I broke up with them…. And then I realized that I was so unfair…. That I was an ass. And that closed me up… almost entirely.
And although there were still some guys wanting to get together with me, somehow, it didn’t make any sense… my heart had become cold, and it couldn’t let anyone in. Not even for a second of honest flirting…I just went out for fun, moreso, bad fun…all I knew was I can’t get hurt again… was soooo dark.

THEN you came, Julius. My Julius. And I cried again… but this time, it was tears of joy.
You shone like the sun, and all I felt was warmth. Like that fuzzy feeling you get that everything’s gonna be ok. You melted me. I felt emotions running through me again like a sudden rush of rose petals, floating gracefully in the autumn sun... And in that special place where there’s just you and me, that place where I can hold you in my arms, and whisper sweet nothings, that place where you allowed me to see your heart …then I realized…. You’re the one.

… God’s angel, sent from up above. With wings of silk and lace….enabling me to sleep in your warm embrace… baby, it was all I could have ever wanted. All that I ever needed.

… The dreams started coming again, only this time, it felt real, genuine, like as if all the hurting in the past was worth it…. And for the first time in a long time, I felt like the happiest guy in the whole world.

My heart, my whole heart…I gave to you. It’s yours now. With you, I see a silver streak – a lining of hope, that gives me life… a promise that the other lost parts would grow back. All of it – with your name etched on its surface, lovingly.

You saved my heart… from being broken apart completely.

You told me that you find me perfect… Baby, im not. Im not… But despite my imperfections, I promise to be here for you always…. Always.

And just as the song goes… “I will honor every word that I say… on this day.”

Julius… I love you. I know I’ve said this a lot of times. And I will say it over and over again, without hesitation. You get me like no one ever did. You see into my soul.. You are my angel, the one I’ve been waiting for. The love of my life.

I will love you forever, and with you by my side, I know I can face the world again.

I will proudly walk with you while holding your hand, and kiss you wherever the place will be. Di ako mahihiya.

Light is in your eyes. Love is in your heart. And I can’t believe you’re mine.
“My angel in the night, you are the love, the love of my life…”
“You gave me everything when you gave your heart to me…”
Like what you said…”our journey has started and im looking forward to years of unity, respect and a lot of love.” Julius my baby, I will uphold our promises sealed with kisses and a pinky swear.
… Walang iwanan to’

Again, I love you. Take care always…. I will be your prince forever, as you will be mine.

| marco - my sweetie..

It has been 11 long yearning months since the last time I committed myself into a relationship, and here I am again, submitting myself to someone I think deserving of my love and time, someone who’s worth the wait and someone who I must say (cliché) completes me..

It started last week in downe... I received an invitation from him and I immediately replied cause I do like the fact that we had the same hair color – blonde! Come Sunday morning, I received another message from him telling me his digits.. I saved it to my fone and went off to the christening of my goddaughter in Makati.. during the christening till the end, I was rigorously texting him, telling him that I was the guy he added in downe, but I received no reply from him.. having second thoughts of the number I saved to my fone, I checked his message again as I arrived to the office.. and my instincts were right – because I was such in a hurry that morning, I put a wrong fone number in my fone :-) my bad!! But that was okay, I texted him to the right number and then he replied.. and the rest is history!!

But just to give you the highlights of our escapades so far, I had great time talking to him.. I shared everything there is to share to him and answered all his questions without even thinking twice.. and so I decided to meet him up last Friday.. it was my rest day so I have the whole day to spend with him.. we met at Shangri-la around 3pm (and as expected, I was late because of traffic).. he was wearing pink top then, and boy, he was so gorgeous with his shades on.. he was so white and he had this kinky huge eyes.. I could not deny the fact that I got intimidated by his looks but he reassured me that everything’s just fine.. he even kissed me in public.. that was so sweet of him..

We went to a private place here in pasig where he and I can intimately know each other.. that was indeed one of the best days of my life.. nothing but kissin and huggin.. and im so okay with that.. I could not ask for more.. he’s everything I ever wanted.. and the best part of it, I never planned it nor I even asked for him, I mean I haven’t wished for a long time because I know that wishes do not come true… and GOD is so good to me.. he gave me the perfect man I could ever ask for even without asking for him..

And then we had our dinner in Shangri-la, I believe Cravings was the name of the restaurant.. and then we had coffee.. if it weren’t because of safety issues, I would not let him leave me that early.. but my boy lives in Paranaque, and that’s the reason why we had to part ways that early (as for me!) but that was alright.. spending time with him would never be enough.. he captured my heart.. and im so grateful I willingly surrender..

Our journey has started and im looking forward to years of unity, respect and a lot of love..
Let’s hear it for the boy!!

I love you MARCO AJERICO SINDIONG.. my heart, my body and my soul will forever be yours..