Saturday, October 1

| Starbuck's scam or myth?!?

The story that I will tell has been told by mouths and in my opinion, I think it’s quite true.. I’m so sorry.. I thrive in gossips a lot.. ergoes.. there was this old filthy rich man who’s living in Manhattan.. well, one of his fave things to do everyday is to have a cup of Cappuccino, which he orders in Starbucks’s.. He buys the same blend of Cappuccino almost everyday for the past uhmm I think more than ten years of his life.. and because of that, he can be considered as one of Starbuck’s valued customers.. but one day, he realized that it will cost him less if he will just get this Cappuccino maker, (that is available in Starbuck’s and will cost for about less than a hundred bucks) bring it to his house and from there, make his own blend of Cappuccino.. so what he did was he purchased this Capp maker and was so agitated to make his fave blend of Capp.. but as days passed by, he got pissed off for reasons that no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t make the exact blend of Capp the same from what he used to pay for in Starbuck’s... and so he returned it to Starbuck’s to get his money back but the manager of the Manhattan branch refused to.. He told the old man that, “im sorry sir, we can’t do that because you have already used the machine..” but the old man insisted that, “Hey! I really want my money back because you know what, I just couldn’t get the exact same blend of Capp that I used to buy here in Starbuck’s..”. and so the discussion ended.. and the old man was so dissatisfied because he can’t get his money back.. so what he did next was that he called up Starbuck’s headquarters in Seattle, Washington and talked to one of the top executives there.. But the thing was, he was told that he really can’t get his money back but he was offered that his Capp maker will be replaced by the new model with upgrade.. hmm.. pretty good deal, huh?! But even though that was a great deal, the old man still want to get his money back.. and so the top executive ended the phone conversation refusing to the old man’s demands.. the next day, the old man paid a full-page ad (cost 100,000 dollars or more) to the New York Times telling that Starbuck’s could not stand behind their products.. that he was so mad because he just can’t get his money back for the Capp maker that he purchased.. you know, that Starbuck’s couldn’t make a money-back guarantee.. and so the whole nation knew about that news and for Starbuck’s, it was a bad publicity indeed.. they were alarmed.. and so the next day, Starbuck’s paid a full-page ad as well, and told about their apologies to the old man.. and from there, the old man then received a special Starbuck’s card that he can bring to any Starbuck’s outlets and avail a free cup of coffee.. whether that may be in Timbuktu or in Honolulu – he can have his Starbuck’s coffee for free!!

Well, the moral lesson of the story is that we should be exercising our rights as customers to the full extent.. what I mean is, that we should not be afraid to demand because after all, the company would not exist if it weren’t for us – the customers! And so they must give us not just not good but best customer service all the time..

*Thanks to EJ (one of our trainors) for sharing these thoughts with me..