Friday, December 29

| chill out..

smoke.. drink.. watch some dvds.. sit back and relax.. hay!!! miss my smoking buddies and homies from college.. miss my bestfriend jay..
just wanna share something.. im watching jolina and marvin's film right now on Cinema1..
Bujoy: Hindi mo naman ako maiintindihan eh dahil kahet kelan hindi moko inintindi.. Dahil kaibigan mo lang ako.. And that's all i was to you, Ned.. Your bestfriend.. Taga-gawa ng assignments mo, taga-enrol, takbuhan kapag may problema.. And i am so stupid to make the biggest mistake of falling in love with my bestfriend.. Dahil kahet kelan di mo naman ako kayang mahalin - ng higit pa sa isang kaibigan..
Ned: Bujoy (apologetic tone)
Bujoy: So ngayong alam mo na, i think you can get out of my life..
(music scoring - Nanghihinayang by Jeremiah)

Sunday, December 24

Saturday, December 23

| the nature of my work..

  • have to generate audits/evaluations for each CSP on a weekly basis..
  • have to give immediate feedback regarding an audited call for each coaching session and monitor progress in agent performance over a period of time..
  • have to maintain related logs, reports, & documents – making sure that these are consistently accurate and readily available for reference at any given time..
  • have to oversee the auditing & coaching procedures become standard and update these whenever applicable..
  • have to update the Quality Board everyday!
  • have to do the Minutes of the Calibration and QA Meetings sometimes..
  • have to send every team managers the assessment and action plans of each CSPs..
  • the only good thing about this job - unlimited breaks!!! wooohooo!!!

- but now i'm getting tired :-(

Friday, December 22

| happy thoughts..

just finished watchin Queer As Folk Season 5... i know, im a bit too late but just purchased the last season couple of weeks of ago.. i must say im not happy with how it ended.. brian and justin never got married.. as they say, good things never last.. i looove the soundtrack and im dying to have em... planning to hit the stores and check if they have it on their list..

last saturday was our christmas party.. it started boring and then it became more boring and before it ended, i was bored to death.. being a part of the registration team does not mean i cant have fun.. i nearly seated for only an hour and started to mingle with my peeps.. i was wearin a low-profile-plain-collar-shirt-with-matching-cowboy-pants because my sister told me not to show off.. have i known that everybody will wear their best attire ever (as far as i know), i probably pick a more suitable outfit that night.. but that's me, whatever my sister wears, i would complement it.. as what others say, everytime they see us - it's like a walkin manequins.. a pair of manequins.. we left cause we needed to because the temperature's rising - as well as the boredom level.. we decided to check out some clubs in timog and we ended up dancing our hearts out in club industry.. kamusta naman ang techno and trance dance steps kow?? - pero keri lang!!! uber sa saya!!

monday was an okay day.. food day for our account..

tuesday was slumber party (in my bedroom)

wednesday was another slumber party..

thursday - went back on track.. work! work! and more work! geeezz, i have grown to be a company slave.. darn!

happiest thoughts - finally had the chance to meet the person i've been stalkin' (kind of!).. *cheers* he was so nice and kind and generous and sweet? - that i have to discover but i do think he is.. he danced with me.. he called me last night *blushes*.. we talked.. and kissed me goodnight.. i woke him up and now he's off to meet his dad... cool, isn't it?? try this, he'll be out of the country soon.. so much for the happy thoughts..

not quite yet, today is what we have... seize the moment..

for now, i'll take the chance and never have regrets, cause for once, it was what i wanted..

Monday, December 18

| more than cups of coffee..

claimed my starbucks planner last night at shangri-la.. me and my sis went out of work just to claim the much-so awaited planner that i have been dying to have.. spent 13 moccha frappucinos and 11 toffee nut frappes as well just to have it.. and it's worth the wait and the price!! but it's not the number of cups i have spent that makes it more meaningful rather, it's the number of times me and my sister spent to bond, relax and have fun.. more than anything else, i'd like to thank my sister for sitting with me, sharing stories with me, hearing my grudges and pain and all the miseries i have, laughing with the silliest jokes i crank, making me believe that there will always be someone ready to take the love that i have and that i am her CUTEST brother, bestfriend, soulmate, officemate, partner.. well, my sister is the hottest though.. what a year to end!

fyi, i lost my ID on my way to shang.. fuck!

Thursday, December 7